WELLBE : How and why we are offering an IEO ?

WellBe Coin
4 min readSep 17, 2021

As we have explained in previous messages, we decided to put on hold the WELB trade on Coinsbit. Due to some community and technical issues with them. According to plan mentioned in our Roadmap, we are going on with the scheduled IEO, which we choose to be held by IndoEX.

Why did we plan an IEO and what is it for ?

As the name suggests, an Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) involves the use of a cryptocurrency exchange to raise funds for a new project. It is common to trade assets on these platforms, but that typically only happens after the developers raised money to kickstart their projects.

With an IEO, potential investors can buy the WELB before they become available on the market. With the help of the exchange facilitating the token sale, registered users who provided their KYC information will be able to buy tokens before they start trading on the open market.

Because an IEO is facilitated by an exchange, the startups like WellBe Coin, opting for this route are very serious about their plan of action. In most cases, the IEO proposal is rigorously reviewed by the participating exchange. In some ways, the exchanges put their reputation on the line for every IEO they decide to offer.

Raising funds for new crypto or blockchain projects can be rather difficult. Similar to any other industry, there is a lot of competition trying to attract investors. Not everyone can successfully attract investment capital through traditional means.

An IEO can be useful because it caters to existing cryptocurrency holders. Given how the participating exchange helps lend some credibility to the project raising funds, there is some degree of trust. After all, the exchange is putting their reputation on the line by facilitating the IEO.

For projects looking to raise money with the help of an exchange, an IEO is a reliable option. Most Initial Exchange Offerings sell out very quickly, depending on the project’s vision and use cases. The WELB project token will also be listed on the exchange after the sale ends.

We offer you today the opportunity to participate in the first phase of our IEO:


You will be able to acquire the very first WELB on exchange at 0.10$ from September 20th, 2021.
Be ready, as soon as the sale opens and then get the opportunity to buy the amount of WELB you want. You will need to follow some essential steps when IEO is launched.

Register to participate in the PRIVATE SALE : click HERE

On the September 20th, proceed with following:

  • Open an IndoEX account to buy and store your WELB
  • Click on Launch Pad
  • Select the WELB IEO
  • Select the Currency you wish to pay with (be sure to have the necessary founds on your trade wallet)
  • Enter the amount of WELB you wish to purchase
  • Click on Buy NOW

Before final listing on IndoEX, with the end of the IEO. We invite you to STAKE your WELB on our V2 Platform and be rewarded with BNB.

  • Transfer your WELB to your Metamask/Truswallet or SafePal wallet
  • Go to WELB V2 Platform
  • Connect your wallet to the platform
  • Choose your Staking contract (infos)
  • Lock the amount of WELB your wish to Stake

After the end of your Staking Contract, claim your Rewards, and start Trading your WELB on Exchange IndoEX and Coinsbit)

Several options are available for you:

  • You can either keep your WELB longer on Staking status so you get more rewards and then wait for its value to grow before trading
  • At the end of your Staking contract, you can Reinvest and get even more rewards
  • You can Claim your rewards and go to the Exchanges IndoEX or Coinsbit and start trading your WELB.

More info about our V2 Platform will be sent to you when it is launched.

All the details about our IEO are available HERE


How the create a BEP20 WELB Wallet : (use this contract address : 0x6AF2a7CA07dC6e234A1E3Fc4450b343ff994B1e6 )

Safepal : https://youtu.be/6chp5fgrPdg

Metamask : https://youtu.be/yzW_gspzx0s(read details for contract infos)

Trustwallet : https://youtu.be/HKhVTn6LXWA

Stay fit, stay healthy and look at the moon 🌝! 👉We’re on our way to reaching it 🚀



WellBe Coin

La crypto-monnaie est une nouvelle technologie révolutionnaire qui apporte une dimension infinie à la liberté de l’argent. L’adaptée à un domaine d’industrie sp